The Fossil Replica Collection includes four identified specimens, information cards, and a geological timescale.
Ammonites grew their shells from calcium carbonate, and grew constantly throughout their life span. This fossil replica is ideal for lessons on paleontology and geology.
This fossil replica represents an ancient sea urchin that crawled along the seafloor, feeding on algae. This fossil is great for learning about paleontology and fossil preservation.
Dig into some serious fun with these fascinating collection kits.
For Use With (Application) | Dig into some serious fun with these fascinating collection kits |
Discuss fossils with hands-on touch using these fossil molds!
12 giant fossils show incredible details.
20 fossils offer broad array of geological time.
Fossils from the age of mammals and man.
The age of dinosaurs—in your students' hands.
This fossil replica represents a mold of a ray-finned fish that died and was buried in the ocean. This fossil is great in the classroom for teaching about paleontology and fossil preservation.
This Paleozoic Bivalve Fossil Replica is representative of an organism that lived millions of years ago. Bivalves are filter feeders that usually bury themselves underwater in the sand. This model is ideal for paleontology lessons.
Introduce paleontology to young children with 12 beautiful picture cards and matching x-rays.
Learn about and classify fossils that are many hundreds of millions of years old.
Covers the Cambrian through the Pliocene eras.