Determine quantity of ammonia in plasma.
Yumizen C1200 Glucose HK used to test for Glucose
Determine quantity of triglycerides in human serum or plasma in vitro with Thermo Scientific™ Triglycerides Reagent.
Determine the ability of microorganisms to split indole from tryptophan molecule by spot test method with Spot Indole Reagent.
Decrease turnaround time with Thermo Scientific™ Direct TIBC Reagents, which deliver a fully automated direct measurement of total iron-binding capacity.
Assure proper drug dosage is administered in the treatment of illnesses such as manic depression.
For in vitro diagnostic use on RAPIDLab™ 348/348EX analyzers.
Thermo Scientific™ Remel Triton X-100 is a mucolytic reagent for fecal concentration procedures.
Yumizen C1200 Creatinine Jaffe used to test for Creatinine