Choose the Right Chemical Packaging

The struggle to find a balance between escalating financial pressures and improving laboratory efficiency and output is a real concern. Lab managers face a conflicting set of demands and pressures to meet the needs of the lab, all with limited funds.

Labor costs represent as much as 60% of analytical laboratory budgets in industrialized countries, making it important to work efficiently. Considering the high cost of labor, it’s important for lab managers to help improve workforce productivity in a way that effectively addresses an ever-increasing workload.

Advantages of Automation

Enhancing productivity can be aided by automation, helping to achieve greater efficiency, accuracy and standardization. Adding this component to an existing workflow can reduce human error by 50 percent and increase output by nearly 75 percent.

Though a logical option, laboratory automation isn’t the only way to maximize productivity. Manufacturers of analytical chemicals can also play a role in helping labs optimize their performance. Today, labs are willing to invest in premium-grade chemicals to ensure accurate results from critical analytical procedures. Many manufacturers even offer multiple solvent grades and have tightly controlled and reliable processes to produce such high-quality products.

High-Purity Honeywell Solvents

When purchasing your lab’s chemicals, look to the Honeywell Burdick & Jackson™ and Chromasolv™ lines of solvents. They’re available in a range of purities and grades and have excellent lot-to-lot consistency.

Honeywell acknowledges the importance of accurate deliveries that meet the demands of busy labs, especially when efficiency is a top priority. That’s what makes their returnable container program beneficial, ensuring chemicals are delivered properly, in the right quantities and at the right time.

This program can help you reach your goals by decreasing costs and increasing time savings, ultimately accelerating research workflows and overall productivity.

Benefits of the Returnable Container Program

Purchasing solvents in larger volumes and containers can minimize storage costs and optimize lab storage spaces, taking up 50 percent less space than glass bottles.

The returnable container program enables easy and contamination-free dispensing, even directly to instruments. The use of a fully-sealed system not only decreases a researcher’s exposure to the chemical, but it increases the shelf life by maintaining purity. With their stainless-steel design, these containers also help minimize the risk of fires.

Returning Empty Containers

To simplify the process, return instructions are attached to the container. When it’s empty, Honeywell will collect and clean it, eliminating the need to rinse and dispose of glass bottles. This is not only very convenient, but it helps reduce packaging and hazardous waste.

The costs for round-trip shipping are included on your invoice and containers are tracked by serial number. This setup accelerates the return process to help you maintain an adequate chemical supply.

Sustainable Options

You can increase your efficiency while enhancing confidence when you choose high-purity solvents in returnable containers from suppliers who fully understand your needs.

The Honeywell returnable container program not only eliminates packaging waste, but it decreases analysis and process contamination, increases instrument and production run times, and is environmentally sustainable.

Honeywell Returnable Containers

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