Women-Owned Business

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About Women-Owned Businesses

According to the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Annual Business Survey, there were 1.1 million women-employer businesses in 2019. However, women-owned businesses only accounted for approximately 20 percent of all employer firms, which were also underrepresented across all demographic groups compared to similar male firms.

In spite of this data, in 2019, businesses led by women employed 10.1 million people and accrued $1.8 trillion in receipts. The number of women-owned firms increased by six percent between 2014 and 2016, twice the growth rate of firms owned by men. This growth can be attributed to a 14 percent increase in minority women employer businesses.

Current Goals

The U.S. government currently has a five percent contracting goal for women-owned small businesses. 

Let the Fisher Scientific Supplier Diversity program help you develop a workable plan to increase your laboratory spending with women-owned businesses.

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Become a Supplier Diversity Partner

If you are a small or diverse business, we can help you achieve your goals too. We offer training, order and logistics support, inventory management, and so much more. Find out what it takes to become eligible for our program.

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