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GFS Chemicals Inc AMCO CLEAR TURBIDITY STANDARD, 10 NTU | 250 ML | GFS CHEMICALS, INC. Item #: 85064 | Bulk #: 8014
Supplier: GFS Chemicals Inc 85064
AMCO CLEAR TURBIDITY STANDARD, 10 NTU | Amco Clear turbidity standards are traceable to NIST Primary Standards on account of their consistent particle size and photometric accuracy via UV-VIS spectroscopy. Each lot is normalized to historical lots which were formulated to dilutions of ISO17034 4000 NTU Formazin. Amco Clear turbidity standards are recognized by the US EPA as a primary stnadard for the calibration of turbitidy meters online and in the laboratory for drinking water analysis. They are safe, non-toxic, no dilutions, stable, and offer a 1 year shelf life.
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